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Product Evaluation is the process of evaluating the suitability and safety of the product for use by consumers. User experience processes and methods are used, along with performance metrics, to measure the level of effectiveness, learnability, and ease of use to evaluate the products fully. The results of product evaluation are obtained by analyzing all of the data and addressing any usability problems with the product design.
Packaging Evaluation is the process of evaluating and measuring the different characteristics involved with a product’s packaging. This includes the packaging materials and aesthetics such as shape, style, colors and graphics. Package testing measures the effects and interactions of the packaging, its contents, external forces, and the end-user. Testing can be a qualitative or quantitative procedure.
Product and packaging evaluation are an important part of the product development process. Developing a new product and determining the best packaging for it requires lots of testing and research. Knowing what the consumer will respond best to, and providing them with it, can be a powerful driver of purchasing behavior.
So, how do you find out how customers will react before you invest in a final design? With proper testing, you can gauge consumer sentiment and choose the right design before it goes to market. Saving your company lots of wasted time and money.
The Research America team works from early stage product/package development to connect with the target audience from concepts to later stage validation. We focus on principles that combine the hard data of sales potential with active and passive learnings. Our first-rate product and UX testing processes deliver comprehensive and actionable insights that brand and design teams can use to optimize their results. Contact us today!
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