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Segmentation Market Research Strategies

May 09, 2024

Segmentation Market Research Strategies

Understanding the diverse needs and preferences of consumers is fundamental to success. Custom segmentation emerges as a potent strategy, allowing businesses to dissect their target market into distinct groups based on unique criteria tailored to their industry. Take a look at what Research America has to say about custom segmentation and its transformative potential for industry research here.

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Understanding Primary and Secondary Market Research

March 26, 2024


In market research, understanding the distinction between primary and secondary research is crucial for making informed decisions about data collection methods. When embarking on a market research endeavor, one of the critical decisions businesses face is whether to utilize primary or secondary research methods.

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Top 8 Best Practices of Market Research Consultancy

February 26, 2024

Top 8 Best Practices of Market Research Consultancy

With so much happening at a breakneck pace all around, the business community must understand itself and consumer market dynamics to make decisive progress. Market research consultancy uses a map based on which you navigate towards the right decisions and growth. Let's go on a trip together to uncover the best 8 principles of market research consultancy. These methods will open the door to your firm's potential, fuel its success, and guide you toward becoming wealthy.

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Market Research Vendors- Navigating Business Success

January 08, 2024

Market Research Vendors- Navigating Business Success

In the dynamic business landscape, remaining at the forefront requires analytics-based data. Market research vendors play an essential role in this path, assisting firms and companies in unlocking the challenges and concerns of market insights. Now, let’s embrace the journey in search of an optimal market research vendor. Today we will navigate and shed light on the major aspects while selecting the perfect market research vendor.

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Broaden your horizons: A perfect roadmap for a successful business through Market Research Companies

December 20, 2023

Broaden your horizons

Ever thought that one could hone their skills of conducting impeccable market research strategies? Market research has helped companies and firms to be more successful. This can assist Companies and firms in working on their assets and limitations, which allows them to be more creative while sketching out objectives. To achieve that market research, companies give a helping hand with their services. A market research company accompanies firms by offering assistance in the exclusive blueprint, which enables companies to be of the utmost diligence while defining their objectives and goals.

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Recruiting participants for Qualitative Research: A Guideline for Success with the Power of Focus Groups

September 27, 2023

ai-integrated market research

Recruiting the right participants is a pivotal element in the success of any qualitative research project, and it becomes increasingly challenging when you're in pursuit of elusive or niche recruits. This blog post is your comprehensive guideline to overcoming these recruitment hurdles and harnessing the power of focus groups.

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Bridging Generations with AI-Integrated Market Research: Navigating Gen Z and Generation Alpha

September 08, 2023

ai-integrated market research

In today's fast-paced and highly competitive business landscape, understanding consumer behaviors and emerging trends has never been more critical. At Research America Inc., we pride ourselves on being a leading research partner for forward-thinking businesses that embrace cutting-edge AI-integrated market research. In our last blog post we discussed market research for Gen Z.

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Strategic Advantages: The Power of Benchmarking Market Research

September 06, 2023

Power of Benchmarking Market Research

In today's ever-evolving business landscape, staying ahead of the curve is not a choice; it's a necessity. This pursuit of competitive advantage drives companies to embrace benchmarking research methodologies. But what exactly is benchmarking, and why is it more than just a routine? Let's delve into the transformative journey that benchmarking represents and the pivotal role it plays in securing your organization's success.

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Gen Z: Unlocking Market Insights with Research America Inc.

July 31, 2023

Benefits of
                                                Using a Third-Party Market Research Company

At Research America Inc., we are dedicated to driving brand growth and our client’s success through cutting-edge market research methodologies. As the influence of Generation Z (Gen Z) grows in the consumer landscape, we recognize the need to effectively engage this unique and diverse demographic. In this blog post, we will explore the importance of focusing on Gen Z for market research and how Research America Inc.

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Agricultrure market research: Sustainable shift

July 25, 2023

Benefits of
                                                Using a Third-Party Market Research Company

As consumers demand planet-friendly offerings, businesses are heeding the call. Investing in regenerative farming agriculture market research not only aligns with ethical principles but also proves to be a savvy business strategy. Sustainability initiative that have measurable impact will be the currency of a successful business strategy as consumers are reaching a tipping point from which there is not turning back.

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On-Demand Market Research- Strategies for Success

July 10, 2023

Benefits of
                                                Using a Third-Party Market Research Company

Research plays a vital role in organizational growth, providing valuable insights, driving innovation, and ensuring competitiveness. To keep your market research fresh and relevant, consider these strategies:

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Benefits of Using a Third-Party Market Research Company

June 29, 2023

Benefits of
                                                Using a Third-Party Market Research Company

In a fast-paced business landscape, leveraging the expertise and resources of a third-party market research company can provide numerous benefits. From specialized expertise and unbiased perspectives to cost and time efficiency, businesses can gain a competitive advantage by tapping into the services of these external research partners.

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DIY Market Research for Businesses: Why Professional Assistance is Essential for Larger Companies

June 01, 2023

Market Research Services

Market research is vital for understanding customer needs and making informed business decisions. While small businesses can benefit from a DIY approach, larger companies should consider professional market research firms like Research America for accurate results.

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Six Amazing Tips to Choose a Professional Market Research Company

May 11, 2023

Market Research Services

In today's dynamic marketplace, consumers hold a remarkable degree of power. Armed with the ability to independently research products and services, they make informed purchasing decisions. Rather than relying on sales representatives, they turn to online reviews and seek recommendations from their networks. As a result, it has become imperative for businesses to harness the potential of market research to thrive in this consumer-driven landscape.

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Why you need to hire a Research Company for your business: Top reasons you need to know!

May 11, 2023

Market Research Services

In today's rapidly changing business environment, it is more important than ever for companies to stay ahead of the curve. One of the most effective ways to do this is by hiring a research company.

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How to Be Successful in Pharmaceutical Market Research

February 08, 2023

Market Research Services

If you're in the life science or pharmaceutical industries, you've likely been a victim of an industry slowing down. Recent research suggests that the current medications are at a point of saturation. There is an opportunity for the business to invest in more effective pharmaceutical development and know the requirements of their customers.

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Market Research Facilities for Qualitative studies & Central testing

September 14, 2022

Market Research Services

A central location test (CLT) is frequently executed for quantitative marketing research objectives. Contrasting to a home-use test where testing takes place In the contributors' homes, CLTs occur in a controlled environment. CLTs, frequently referred to as hall tests, have several pros and the ability to interact physically with the contributors.

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When to use a focus group in your Market Research?

September 01, 2022

Market Research Services

A focus group is a small meeting of people in an interactive setting. Normally a room or an online video conference, where they talk over a specific subject under the direction of a trained moderator. It takes place in a neutral location–in comparison to a company's own offices. For example—so customers can feel comfortable saying what they figure out about the products or services discussed. Online focus groups eliminate the requirement for a physical location. Like in the flesh groups, online groups cover 6-10 contributors who share their opinions. Many researchers prefer online focus groups for comfort and worthwhileness.

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7 Effective Ways to Build a Stronger Customer Experience Strategy

August 26, 2022

Market Research Services

Customer experience constitutes the aggregate of a customer’s interactions with your company. This will identify how they think about your business. Establishing positive customer experiences is fundamental to building good customer relationships.

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Top Benefits of Hiring a Market Research Company in 2022

July 28, 2022

Market Research Services

Hiring a market research company can be beneficial for any business because it enables you to identify areas where your company may have room for improvement and take steps towards success. Here are the basic grounds for hiring a professional marketing research company:

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9 Types of Business Market Research Services

May 24, 2022

Market Research Services

Business market research is a broad discipline with many different kinds of goals and objectives, the first and foremost of which is to inform better business decisions. While there are possibly a limitless number of specialized business market research services, at Research America, we have divided them into nine categories!

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The Latest Medical Market Research Shows Huge Cultural Shift

April 11, 2022

Medical Market Research

Markets fluctuate. They ebb and flow according to supply and demand issues, public policy, technological and environmental concerns and even patterns of disease (“hello, COVID-19!”). Some markets experience rapid change; but others, such as the U.S. healthcare industry, are slower to transform, with both social and governmental constraints combining to create a system that is resistant to expeditious shifts in focus or outcomes. But this doesn’t mean quality market research is any less important within the medical field.

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How to Build a Buyer Journey Map

April 4, 2022

Buyer Journey Map

Building a buyer journey map enables companies to develop intimate knowledge and understanding of consumer needs and allows them to strengthen their marketing strategies and increase their sales.

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How to Make Message Testing Worthwhile

March 21, 2022

Message Testing

Like a larger scale market research project, message testing offers insurance against failure, helping businesses determine the type of messages that will engage the greatest number of people before they actually spend a lot of time, money, or effort distributing them.

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5 Ways to Use Market Research Technology to Your Benefit

March 14, 2022

Market Research Technology

In the world of market research, in particular, technology offers the opportunity for faster, more efficient feedback, making it easier for everyone to get what they need when they need it. Take a look at five ways you can use market research technology to improve your company’s bottom line.

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What is Incidence Rate (IR) in Market Research?

December 30, 2021

Incidence Rate

Incidence rate refers to the number of people who are presented with a study and actually qualify to participate in it. Learn more about incidence rate and why it is so important to project feasibility.

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Online Bulletin Boards: Advantages and Disadvantages

December 23, 2021

Online Bulletin Boards

The online bulletin board has become a helpful qualitative research tool that often makes market research cheaper and easier to undertake. Learn all about it here.

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When is Custom Market Research Necessary?

December 16, 2021

Custom Market Research

Take a look at three circumstances when conducting custom market research should become a priority.

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International Market Segmentation: How to Segment Global Markets

December 9, 2021

International Market Segmentation

The key to much of today’s business is international market segmentation as it allows business to cater to a larger & more diverse audience of consumers.

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Patient Market Research: 5 Common Questions We Answer

November 30, 2021

Patient Market Research

Take a look at five questions that patient market research helps us answer for the companies we serve here at Research America.

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3 Technology Market Research Trends For The Near Future

November 18, 2021

Technology Market Research

It's doesn't take a crystal ball to see into the future! Check out these 3 technology market research trends that we predict you'll see in the years to come.

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3 Healthcare Marketing Challenges & How to Start Solving Them

November 11, 2021

Healthcare Marketing

Take a look at three of the biggest healthcare marketing challenges and learn how to start fixing them.

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4 Market Research Methods Commonly Used for Product Evaluation

November 4, 2021

Product Evaluation

When undergoing product evaluation, market research can help you determine whether people need your products and whether you'll be able to make a profit selling it.

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How to Gauge Consumer Attitudes with Market Research

October 28, 2021

Consumer Attitudes

Consumer attitudes can differ for endless reasons, which makes it difficult to nail down what people want and why. Here's how to gauge those attitudes with market research.

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5 Concept Testing Questions to Consider Asking

October 21, 2021

Concept Testing

Take a look at some of the concept testing questions you need to be asking consumers before you sign off on any new product reveal.

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Why Sensory Research is Critical to Product Testing

October 14, 2021

Sensory Research

Sensory research has become a critical part of product development and testing. Here’s what you need to know.

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What is Agile Market Research?

October 7, 2021

Agile Market Research

Agile market research is both noun (meaning bespoke custom research) and verb (meaning capable of changing rapidly). Learn more our this unique approach to market research today.

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What’s the Difference Between User Journey vs. User Flow?

September 30, 2021

User Journey vs User Flow

Take a look at two of the most common UX design techniques — user journey vs. user flow — to see how these two tools help companies describe and improve their user experiences.

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What are the Benefits of Market Research?

September 23, 2021

Benefits of Market Research

Benefits of market research include minimizing risks, maximizing business opportunities and much more! Read about the top benefits in this blog.

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3 Considerations for Focus Group Recruitment

September 16, 2021

Focus Group Recruitment

In order for focus groups to yield meaningful data, you have to ensure focus group recruitment is done properly. Here are three considerations to make the recruitment process more fruitful.

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Lifestyle Segmentation: When Is It Appropriate to Use?

September 9, 2021

Lifestyle Segmentation

Lifestyle segmentation is a process in which consumers are divided into groups based upon similar lifestyle beliefs and activities, but when do you use this segmentation strategy?

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Ethnographic Market Research: Advantages & Disadvantages

August 26, 2021

Pharmaceutical Competitive Intelligence

Ethnographic market research is a qualitative research method used to gain insight into consumer behavior. Learn more about its advantages & disadvantages.

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Pharmaceutical Competitive Intelligence: How to Be Proactive

August 19, 2021

Pharmaceutical Competitive Intelligence

Here’s what you need to know about pharmaceutical competitive intelligence, including how it differs from standard market research and how you can be strategic in getting it.

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B2B Market Segmentation: Common Segments We Love

August 12, 2021

B2B Market Segmentation

B2B market segmentation is critical in a market where buyers are fewer and more complex with more rigid criteria dictating their purchasing decisions. Check out these common segments.

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Three Benefits of Market Segmentation

August 5, 2021

Three Benefits of Market Segmentation

There are a vast amount of benefits that come from segmenting out your market. Read more about our top three benefits.

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How to Form a Product Positioning Strategy

July 29, 2021

4 Tips for Performing Social Media Market Research

Creating an effective product positioning strategy helps give your brand or product a unique selling proposition, which can drive consumer interest and purchase behaviors.

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Market Research for Nonprofits: How to Be Strategic

July 22, 2021

4 Tips for Performing Social Media Market Research

Initiating market research for nonprofits is particularly critical since most charitable endeavors have limited budgets that can be maximized if only they know how to reach (and retain!) donors.

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4 Tips for Performing Social Media Market Research

July 8, 2021

4 Tips for Performing Social Media Market Research

Savvy companies don’t just use social media to publicize what they want consumers to hear, they use it in social media market research to listen, request feedback and serve them.

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5 Steps to Performing a Brand Assessment

July 1, 2021

5 Steps to Performing a Brand Assessmen

When properly conducted, a brand assessment provides valuable data that highlights a business’s strengths and weaknesses; identifies possible problems for the future; and provides insight into the comprehensive health of the company.

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Retailer Market Research During COVID: How to Get the Data You Need

June 24, 2021

retailer market research

During (and following) a pandemic, retailers not only need reliable information, they need reliable information quickly. That's where retailer market research comes into play.

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How Do You Create a Consumer Path to Purchase?

June 17, 2021

consumer path to purchase

Here’s how to create a consumer path to purchase capable of rendering positive results in today’s modern world.

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Innovative Consumer Research Trends for 2021

June 10, 2021

innovative consumer research

Explore three market trends we are currently seeing and see how you can incorporate these in your research strategies.

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Syndicated Market Research 101: What to Know

June 3, 2021

syndicated market research

In the absence of custom market research, however, there are resources that you can use that provide meaningful — even if general — feedback. Syndicated market research is one example.

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What Is Concept Testing?

May 27, 2021

concept testing

We'll explore concept testing and look at various examples so that you can better understand how talking to consumers ahead of a new product launch can inform and sometimes even insure greater business success.

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How to Build a Better Competitor Profile

May 20, 2021

competitor profiles

Competition is a fact of life in the business world. It's usually a good thing, motivating companies to identify and meet the needs of consumers in creative ways that hopefully result in better products and better manufacturing processes. In a perfect world, competition can save companies - as well as consumers - time, effort and money.

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Retail Pharmacy Industry Analysis: The Post-COVID Impact

May 13, 2021

retail pharmacy industry analysis

Retail pharmacies will have to take heed, reworking their business practices to meet the needs of the post-COVID consumer, a consumer now used to, as well as controlled by, a different type of buying behavior. Take a look at our retail pharmacy industry analysis and see some of the likely post-COVID realities for retail pharmacies.

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Why Pricing Research is the First Step to Increasing Consumer Demand

April 29, 2021

pricing research

Pricing research is so critical and should be the first step every business takes if it wants to build better business practices, increase consumer demand and, ultimately, turn a profit.

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5 Ways Market Research Surveys Can Reduce Business Risk

April 22, 2021

market research surveys

Here are five ways market research surveys, in particular, reduce risk and support profitable business outcomes for any type of company.

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How to Get the Most Out of Quantitative Market Research

April 15, 2021

quantitative market research

Quantitative market research necessitates thoughtful planning and careful execution in order to ensure meaningful results. Here’s how to get the most out of it!

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